Augustana University Announces Plans to Renovate Morrison Commons

吉尔·威尔逊| 2022年10月6日

12bet游戏平台将很快开始对莫里森公共场所进行翻新, located on Commons Drive and connected to the Edith Mortenson Center on the university’s campus. In partnership with Sodexo — AU’s food service and facilities management partner — construction on the approximately $7-8 million project is expected to be complete by Fall 2023.

“We needed to upgrade our dining facility,” said Augustana CFO & 执行副总裁Shannan Nelson. “So, we’re renovating that whole lower level of the commons and then we’re going to give the upper level a 摩理臣公地翻新工程整容.”

With Mortenson serving as the contractor and Koch Hazard as the architect, the renovation to the more than 60-year-old building — beginning as early as January — will include a new HVAC system and bring back something from the past.

“What’s really exciting is when you look through the glass,” said Nelson. “我们将把楼梯恢复到原来的位置.”

The original location of the stairwell — in the center of the concourse, east of where the Starbucks exists today — will create an open area that will also serve as a “stage” for student programming surrounded by a new 休息室 area. “后巷”仍将作为后巷使用, 可以这么说, as it will provide additional space for students to host events. 该计划包括创建“口袋”较小的会议空间, 哪一个也可以为更大的聚会开放.


“我真的很喜欢这个灵活的学生编程空间,学生处主任马克·布莱克本说, when initially engaging student leaders regarding the plan this summer. “I think about orientation, Welcome Week, the Friday night pieces. 我想到了UBG(联合理事会). How can we utilize this space where we can best serve the students?”

为了给原来的楼梯间腾出空间, the Starbucks will be relocated to the southeast portion of the commons where the department of campus safety is now. Nelson described a walk-up window where students will be able to order coffee, 还有一个室外露台区. 

Renovations to the lower level of the commons will also mean relocating Ole’s Outlet — Augustana’s merchandise store — to the northeast corner of the building. Nelson hopes the renovation will create a new retail experience for students and staff and become a revenue-driver for the university.

还是在下层, a refreshed SubConnection that is still being considered would be relocated to the southwest end of the building. To the north of that will be a common 座位区 and the addition of Sodexo’s partner, Chick-fil-A — a restaurant where students will have the opportunity to work and Sodexo will operate.

索迪斯餐饮服务公司“We were exploring commercial partners that we thought would add the greatest value and benefit, 加上品牌认知度和校园招生. We’ve been able to work that out with Chick-fil-A,” Nelson said. “我们对这对校园来说意味着什么感到非常兴奋.”

奥达尔食堂, 哪一个可以俯瞰新装修的校园绿地, 会保持在上层并获得刷新吗. 作为改造的一部分, 服务线路将更多地扮演“车站”的角色,” one or two that are permanent and one or two that rotate every day. Sodexo will soon survey students to make sure they have a say in what food options are offered.

“是披萨吗?? 是素食吗?? 你知道,他们希望这些电台是什么样子的?纳尔逊好奇地问。.

“我们要求索迪斯重新布置座位,”尼尔森说. “We’re going to try to eliminate the cafeteria-style feel and open it up. 不会只有桌子和椅子. 它会更随意. Students can then go to a station and choose to sit upstairs, downstairs, wherever.”

Augustana is hoping that providing students with these kinds of options will continue to drive enrollment — part of 奥古斯塔的战略计划 到2030年招收3000多名在校学生.



一个奠基仪式,大约800美元,“公共大楼”,” south of the gymnasium and “touching” the northeast corner of former Viking Stadium, 于十一月举行. 于1958年12月7日落成. 6, 1959. 摩理臣公地动工The architectural design for the 40,000 square foot building was created by Harold Spitznagel & Associates based on the recommendations of a 15-member committee made up of students, 教职工和行政人员. 

根据 镜子, 在它开业的时候, the upper level of the Commons Building housed a cafeteria and dining area, 三个会议室, O. 克利福德·霍尔沃森纪念会议室, 几个学生办公室, 照相室和校园医生办公室. 下层包括“The Huddle”小吃店, 一个书店, 以台球为特色的娱乐空间, 乒乓球和四个保龄球道, 还有一个邮局, 休息室, 会议室和服务厨房.

1972年5月, 在校友日宴会上, Augustana President Charles Balcer announced that the Commons Building would henceforth be named the “Morrison Commons Building” in recognition of a gift of farms by Newell and Charley Morrison of Irene, 南达科塔州.

在莫里森公地的后巷跳舞In 1979, 保龄球馆收到了25美元,000翻新新的球返回和针设置机. 在1989-90学年开始时, 学生们回到了有舞池的“后巷”, 座位区, video games and a dry bar instead of the bowling alley — designed to give students an “alcohol-free environment in which to gather and socialize.”

The upper level of the Morrison Commons was reported to have been renovated in 2000, 其中包括对厨房和餐具室的改造, 降低天花板,扩大服务区域. 增加了“瓦格纳学生街”,” connected the commons to the newly built Edith Mortenson Center 剧院. The original center staircase in the commons was roped off around this time and only used for special events until eventually being removed in 2010.

In 2019, the most recent renovations were completed in The Huddle. The update included a new grill space and sub shop area, along with updated soft seating. Starbucks was relocated from The Huddle to the Siverson Lounge at the front of the commons facing the campus green, which is the first time this space was referred to as “Viking Grounds.
