Augustana Research Institute Report Details Mental 健康 Needs in Sioux Falls Area

By Jill Wilson | March 21, 2023

Augustana Research Institute (ARI)最近发布了一份详细介绍苏福尔斯地区心理健康服务的报告. 的 Mental 健康 Needs 评估 was commissioned by a collaborative group — made up of Family Services Inc.失去了&发现, 的 Link 社区 Tri年龄 Center, Avera Behavioral 健康, 帮助热线中心和福尔斯社区健康中心——努力更好地理解感知优势, barriers/challenges 和 needs in accessing mental health care.

“失去&发现从一开始就很兴奋地支持Beacom研究人员计划完成这一需求评估. As a data-driven, comprehensive suicide prevention organization in the Sioux Falls community, 我们完全理解需要进一步研究和洞察苏福尔斯居民和为这些居民服务的生态系统所面临的共同心理健康挑战,”医生说。. Gesine Ziebarth, research 和 evaluation man年龄r for Lost&发现.

的 research — performed by now Augustana alumna Brianna N. Pitz ‘22 和 student José Ángel Cruz Medina ‘23 as part of the Beacom Research Fellows Program -旨在了解影响心理健康的各种因素和心理健康需求. 相应的, 研究员们按照不同的招聘协议和讨论指南,在利益相关者/提供者和社区成员这两个群体中进行了十多个焦点小组和几次英语和西班牙语访谈. 除了, 他们分析了苏福尔斯“211帮助热线中心2021心理健康指南”的资源,” including the cost of mental health resources 和 insurance. Findings from this analysis are incorporated within the report.

整体, 研究人员发现,利益相关者和提供者一致认为苏福尔斯拥有丰富的社区资源, but more collaboration is needed to reduce duplicative services. 的y described decreasing stigma as a strength — though some stigma remains, it has decreased significantly, evidenced by an increase in community members requesting services, as well as large, 为其雇员提供心理健康教育和培训的地方组织. While 211 is considered a well-connected community resource among providers, 社区成员研究参与者没有提到它是心理健康资源的一种选择, 并报告说,这是压倒性的,很难知道从哪里开始寻求帮助.

"It was very surprising that community members did not mention 211. In contrast to the providers 和 stakeholders, who appreciate 和 hold 211 in high esteem, 有趣的是,除了这两家大医院,社区成员想不出其他组织, no matter how much we probed in the community focus groups,” said Cruz Medina.

Included within the report are a dozen barriers 和 challenges, including the COVID-19 p和emic, which has caused a surge in mental health problems 和 overwhelmed services, resulting in burnout among providers 和 long waitlists. 同时指出,人们对精神卫生资源的认识日益提高,对精神卫生的耻辱感日益减少,这些都是优势, 提高意识和污名也被认为是利益攸关方和提供者面临的挑战, as these have caused delayed 和 crisis treatment rather than preventative treatment. A lack of providers 和 licensure difficulties were also cited in the report; the process for licensure is long 和 arduous with little compensation, resulting in hiring difficulties, high turnover rates 和 the inability to meet dem和s, especially when it comes to those who specialize in youth services. 人们注意到的另一个障碍是,那些需要心理健康服务的人没有满足食物等基本需求, 住房, 运输, 照顾孩子, as well as the cost & insurance for the services. 公众对该领域的信任以及司法系统对案件的参与等问题也被列为报告中的挑战.

“我们(克鲁兹·梅迪纳和我)有机会与来自不同背景和对心理健康熟悉程度的社区成员交谈, 和, 令我们吃惊的是, many of their barriers 和 needs were the same. 我们确定了苏福尔斯心理健康服务需要改进的优势和领域. 我们希望这份报告能成为我们社区强调心理健康的垫脚石,皮茨说.

报告中提到的精神卫生服务方面的许多需求与前面提到的障碍和挑战是一致的, such as more education for the public, lack of service providers, funding 和 compensation for programs 和 providers. 的 report also details long-term mental health facilities as a need; many facilities in Sioux Falls are only intended for short-term inpatient stays or outpatient services. 利益相关者/提供者和社区成员都提到的最常见的需求之一是提供者之间的多样性, who are not representative of the Sioux Falls community. 


“We look forward to delving into these insights. 的y will help all ecosystem organizations better underst和 the program l和scape, 获得精神卫生服务的障碍以及存在差距的地方可以通过社区投资和伙伴关系加以弥补,齐贝思说.

有关心理健康需求评估和其他ARI和Beacom研究人员项目的更多信息, 访问 奥吉.edu/findings.

Note: After the completion of the report findings, 帮助热线中心是全国推出的988的一部分,988是一个新的三位数代码,用于获得心理健康, substance use 和 suicide crisis. 988 is more than just an easy to remember number, 这是对任何可能与情绪困扰作斗争的人的同情和专业支持的直接联系, 有自杀念头或担心有精神健康或药物使用问题的家人或朋友.

As referenced in the following report, the Helpline Center continues to answer the 211 Helpline, which is focused on social services 和 government resources. 的 Helpline Center answers both 988 和 211 for South Dakota.

12bet游戏平台 the Beacom Research Fellows Program

Beacom Research Fellows Program provides opportunities for organizations with limited resources to access research, analytics 和 field-specific expertise in operations 和 data man年龄ment. 奥古斯塔学生与地区组织合作,代表他们完成合作研究项目,在整个研究过程中提供密切的咨询, from refining research questions to collecting 和 analyzing data, 做出明智的决定并向利益相关者报告——不需要伙伴组织付出任何代价. 

Eligible organizations include government 年龄ncies, 致力于改善苏福尔斯生活质量的非营利组织和社会企业家. 通过竞争性的申请程序选择合作伙伴组织,基于比肯姆研究人员计划为组织使命和苏福尔斯社区做出贡献的潜力. Applications will be reviewed by ARI 和 Sioux Empire United Way. Applications are accepted twice a year with deadlines on Feb. 1、9月. 1. 

For more information, 访问 奥吉.edu/BeacomFellows.

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